Walsall Young Voice Blogger

Welcome to Walsall Young Voice

Are you a young person from Walsall?

Do you you want to have a say on the future of your school?

This is our once in a lifetime opportunity to improve YOUR schools in Walsall and this is your opportunity to have a big say in how your school could benefit you.

It will include comments, photo’s, designs, competitions and quick polls

This is YOUR voice to showcase YOUR views and ideas

Send us your designs and pictures and the young voice admin team will manage the site for YOU

This is your future so get involved now

Expect a short delay before you see your contribution. We want this site to be safe for you to use and make sure it is YOUR voice shaping the future of your school.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Exciting new report from Shelfield Community Academy

Pupils at Shelfield Community Academy have been doing some great design work to support their school. See what they had to say in their Design Brief and let us know what you think about their fantastic ideas.


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